Brook Taylor

Author Archives

  • Cartoon Mascot: Why Even Bother?

    Cartoon mascot design ... Alive and well for all the right reasons.

    Cartoon mascot design ... Alive and well for all the right reasons.

    Getting a cartoon mascot is an additional expense for any organization.  So why even bother with it … I mean, is it worth the time and money getting your own cartoon mascot?  Well it’ll come as no surprised that we tend to vouch for cartoon mascots all the way but we’ll try to put our bias aside and make the case as fairly as possible.


    Cartoon mascots are super sticky.  You’ve only got to see one a couple of times and they will stick in your brain.  That’s the main reason why businesses, bloggers and non-profits alike use cartoon mascots in the first place.  They make you look twice and they make you remember and associate the organization with the mascot.  All of which equals “cha-ching”.

  • 50 Most Famous Cartoon Characters & Mascots

    Could you name fifty famous cartoon characters off the top of your head? I didn’t think I could … until I got started. I’d wager if you are over 30 years old, you would recognize and know every single one of these characters. For real, every single one. In writing this post I came to realize the sheer volume of cartoon characters that have permanently infiltrated my brain. A famous cartoon character or mascot design seems to have one thing in common: they are incredibly sticky. Like it or not, they invade your head space, and never leave.

    If you are like me, some of these characters you grew up with as a kid, others you will have gotten to know and love as an adult. The one’s that made it on this list did so because of their enduring greatness to last beyond mere fad and pull up a permanent place both in popular culture and in our minds. In no particular order, let’s get this started! And naturally, all characters are copyright of their respective owners. Don’t steal them m’kay?

    1. Mickey Mouse

      Joyful, vulnerable, lovable. Mickey came into our hearts and minds decades ago and still reigns supreme. He’s like the Jesus of cartoon characters.

  • Marge Simpson to pose for Playboy cover

    According to a recent press release, one of the world’s most recognizable female cartoon characters is about to set a first, so some  will have us believe.  Marge Simpson, wife and mother of America’s favorite dysfunctional family is going to pose for the November issue of Playboy magazine. Marge is being reported as “the first […]

  • Cartoon Lemming Character – Follow Thing!

    We were contacted by Mathew Ogston at in order to create a cartoon character to use as a mascot for their upcoming project. This character was an interesting challenge due to the inherent traits which Mathew wanted embodied in his … Thing! Part of the Character Plan (or creative brief) included: “Character is a […]

  • Cartoon Fox

    Foxes can run the whole spectrum of emotions; from aggressive to adorable.  This cartoon fox is one we created to be friendly and approachable.  We think the end result is an very cool character that looks like he would be fun to hang with … and maybe even learn something from!

  • New Design Site Launched

    Well we are happy to announce that our new site here at Fast Characters is live to the world and ready to serve with world class character design and illustration.   We ask that if you spot any broken links and other wierd stuff to please contact us so we can fix any bugs.  OK, […]

  • Cartoon Monkey Character

    Cartoon monkeys are a favorite around here. Actually we’re pretty fond of any kind of cartoon animal character. This cartoon money character is one we created for a video game website. The customer wanted a simpler look for this monkey so we ended up toning down the amount of details both in character sketch and […]

  • Robot Cartoon Character

    Got a thing for cartoon robots? Me too! Some of my favorites are the Japanese made, world famous Astroboy and the Iron Giant. This robot cartoon character is one that needed an aggresive and confident look without being too threatening or dark. The result is an assertive cartoon robot who looks like he’s ready to […]

  • Cartoon Dog Character

    Cartoon dog characters are a favorite subject for a couple of artists on our team. And when you’re a dog owner you can appreciate a well designed dog character. This dog cartoon needed a gentle and approachable look and feel yet still have a strong enough presence to be engaging. Here you can also see […]